Forslag til ture i ind og udland - Kommende projekter - Gennemførte projekter - og lidt erfaringer | |
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Kandersteg i Schweitz | |
Se billeder fra min tur i området på "Feldvandring - ture" | |
Kandersteg International Scout Center | |
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Kandersteg International Scout Centre is the World Centre of the World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM). The Centre began in 1923 with Lord Baden-Powell, who, after the first World Scout Jamboree, had a dream about a place where all Scouts from all over the world could meet: the Permanent Mini Jamboree. His dream came true and now YOU have the opportunity to visit Kandersteg International Scout Centre and live YOUR Dream! In summer visitors can choose among several mountain tours with various levels of difficulty, adventures in one of the most beautiful fixed rope parks of the Alps, or an introduction to mountain climbing. Historic pass crossings, theme trails for the entire family, Europe’s steepest PostBus road and much more are part of the program. The Kandertal Valley has one of the largest densities of SAC-Huts, thus offering hikers and Alpinists unforgettable tours with panoramic views of the Blümlisalp Massif and the glacier world. |
Der er ikke mange kort tilgængelige på nettet, - men her er et "Hike kort" over Kandersteg. | Kort med stier klik her..!! |
Der findes flere hytter oppe i bjergene, og på linket finder du både højdemeter, afstand i km og timeforbrug..! | Oversigt over hytter klik her..!! |
Fra Kandersteg til Oeschinensee | Turist info klik her..!! |
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En smuk tur til Oeschinesee. With its extensive network of attractive mountain, hiking and walking trails Kandersteg is a paradise for nature and hiking fans. The most famous routes lead across the Gemmi Pass straight to Leukerbad in the Valais, to Lake Oeschinen or through the wildly romantic Gastern Valley and finally over the 2690-metre-high, historically important Lötschen Pass to the Lötschen Valley. |
Fra Kandersteg (1) til Gemmipass (8) | Turist info klik her..!! |
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Først en tur med kabelbanen og en flot udsigt ved Gemmipass, og derefter retur til Kandersteg. The Gemmi is a very old pass which is said to have been used as early as the Bronze Age. Its original name, in the form "Curmilz", is found for the first time in a chronicle dated 1252. "Curmilz" is from the Latin "culmen" = peak, summit. From old travelogues we know that the Gemmi was regarded as frightening and dangerous and was only used by bearers, partly via ladders. Sebastian Münzer who dared a trip over the pass around 1540 wrote that his heart and legs were trembling as he left Leukerbad to climb the moutain. By 1677, there were already transport regulations for crossing the Gemmi: "When a gentleman or a lady, a male or femaile person wants to go to Leukerbad across the Gemmi and is heavier than average, he or she shall take twelve men; if he or she is medium heavy, ten men or eight, and if light, six of four men. As a reward, they shall be given 20 "Batzen" (ten-centime coin), half a measure of wine, bread worth half a "Batzen" and half a pound of cheese." In 1805 one guide wrote: "Once the terrible path is reached, the traveller faces backwards and is blindfolded, before the bearers continue on their way singing." As late as the end of the 19th century, many tourists used donkeys or the Gemmi cart to cross the pass, but nowadays there is a wide bridle path over the Gemmi. |